Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Springtime Security Concerns

Springtime Security Concerns
By: Jared McKee

With spring rapidly approaching it brings with it the promise of great weather and that fresh air we have all longed for during these long winter months. To enjoy these benefits thoroughly many of us, business and home owners alike, open windows and/or doors to bring in the fresh air and admire the outdoors in its entire spring splendor. We not only enjoy the beauty and the smells of nature but also use this time as a way to conserve utilities. However, many times we tend to forget about the safety and security concerns that such actions can bring about. Burglars and thieves look forward to this time of the year for much different reasons than most using this time to make rounds looking for a prime opportunity to strike such as an open window or door.

For the homeowner be always alert to which windows and doors you open. Often times an open window is easily forgotten as we leave the house. Other times we think that because a window is on a second floor it will be safe to leave it unsecured. Actions such as these open the door for these burglars and thieves to leave their mark. It is the beginning of not only a security risk for your home but also places you and your family in serious risk of becoming the victim of a felonious assault. Make sure that you do a thorough walkthrough of your home before you leave. Be positive that each entry point is not only shut but locked as well. If you plan on having a large sliding door open with only a screen, lock the screen and ensure that you have a phone nearby in case of an emergency. Always have an action plan practiced and ready in the event that the unthinkable does happen. There are people roaming the streets day and night just looking for the opportunity to enter your home. Be always ready.

Business owners must also be weary of these aforementioned actions as the thieves of today are always looking for that perfect opportunity. A simple act of opening an overhead door to a warehouse can cost your business. With stock and merchandise at just an arm’s length away this can many time sway even the honest worker or passerby into thievery. Employee theft occurs more often than what most think and the majority of it is a crime of opportunity. I strongly warn all business owners now that by leaving doors open it can and will lure employees to simply place valuable products outside of them so that they or others may take them at a later time. Security systems are almost a must and you must stay vigilant on educating your employees on these safety and security concerns. Insure that your employees are watching for individuals that do not work there. Encourage them to approach people that they have not seen before and challenge their reasons for being inside the business or on the premises. An open door can be an open invitation to even the innocent passerby looking for help or assistance. Make sure that you properly train your managers and staff, so that there is an action plan for dealing with these wayward individuals that enter into your place of business and so loss does not occur.

With the economy in its current state, theft is on the rise. Don’t be the next victim!

*Jared Mckee is the Security Director for FireWatch Security Consultants, Inc.
For more information on making your home or business a safe and secure environment, please contact Jared today at for you free consultation.